Bill's Plumbing and Sewer

Jan 4, 2022

Like most homeowners, you probably also have a hot water tank in your home. These tanks are essential for the household, as they provide hot water for showers and other needs. Unfortunately, these tanks can become clogged with sediment if not flushed out regularly. To help you avoid this scenario at your home in Glenview, IL, we at Bill’s Plumbing & Sewer have created this guide to show you how to flush your tank!

No. 1: What is Sediment?

Sediment is a term used to describe minerals, sand, and dirt that can collect in your water heating tank over time. This sediment often builds up slowly, so homeowners may not even realize it’s there until their tanks are clogged or begin malfunctioning!

However, some red flags may indicate you have a sediment problem in your tank. These include:

  • Rusty water;
  • Low water pressure;
  • Noise from the tank, such as gurgling or hissing sounds.

If you notice any such problems, it’s best to address them sooner rather than later by flushing out your tank.

No. 2: Just Keep it Running

The first thing you can do to clean your tank is to run the water for about an hour or two. This will help flush out any sediment clogging up the system. Be sure to keep running the water until it’s hot, as this will ensure that all of the sediment is flushed out.

No. 3: Greener is Cleaner

You can also use a natural cleaner to help the process when cleaning your tank. Distilled white vinegar and baking soda (not detergent) is one such cleaner that is often recommended for this purpose.

Chemicals like chlorine bleach or ammonia can damage the tank and even seep back into your water supply. They can also harm other areas in your home, like toilets, bathtubs, and sinks.

No. 4: Keep to Schedule

Hot water tanks are prone to sediment buildup, as mentioned earlier. This means that it’s crucial to stay on schedule with water heater maintenance and cleaning.

The longer you wait before dealing with the problem of a dirty hot water tank, the worse things will get for your appliance! It can result in expensive repairs or replacement costs down the road.

We recommend you flush the sediments out every few years as part of a regular maintenance routine. This will help keep your water heater running smoothly and reduce the risk of any long-term damage.

No. 5: Involve the Professionals

Flushing sediments out of a water heating tank is a relatively simple do-it-yourself project. Still, it does require care and attention. You’ll need to shut off the main water line before beginning this process.

To avoid any hiccups during the process, it’s a good idea to consult a professional plumbing company.


By following all the tips we’ve mentioned above, you should be able to flush out sediments from your hot water tank.

Don’t hesitate to contact Bill’s Plumbing & Sewer if you have any questions or concerns about this process! We’re dedicated to providing quality plumbing services to homeowners in Glenview, IL.

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