Bill's Plumbing and Sewer

Mar 21, 2022
Bathroom remodel

It can be challenging enough to design a stylish and functional bathroom for anyone, but when you add in ADA compliance, it can seem downright impossible. Luckily, there are some ways to make your bathroom ADA compliant, from updating your plumbing fixtures, drain cleaning, sewer repairs to remodeling your entire space.

Thankfully, with a few simple tips and some careful residential plumbing planning, you can have a bathroom that meets all the requirements for safety and accessibility while still looking chic and modern.

This Bill’s Plumbing & Sewer blog post will look at the five essential steps for constructing bathrooms and showers that are ADA compliant.

5 Steps for Constructing Bathrooms and Showers with ADA Guidelines in Mind

Homeowners are looking for ways that can make their homes safe and accessible for all family members. One area that often needs attention is the bathroom.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has delivered guidelines for making bathrooms and showers accessible for people with disabilities. These guidelines can make bathrooms safe and accessible for seniors.

Whether you’re remodeling an existing bathroom or planning a new one, here are five steps to take when constructing bathrooms and showers with ADA guidelines in mind:

Step One: Planning and Design

The first step in creating an ADA-compliant bathroom is careful planning and design. You’ll need to consider the needs of all who will be using the space, not just those with disabilities. This means considering everything from grab bars and wheelchair access to storage and counter space.

Step Two: Choosing the Right Fixtures and Accessories

It’s time to choose the right fixtures and accessories once your plan is ready. This includes everything from toilets and sinks to towel racks and shower seats.

Be sure to select items that are both ADA compliant and stylish. There are many great options on the market today, so you should be able to find something that meets your needs and budget.

Step Three: Getting the Right Permits

Before beginning any bathroom remodel, it’s essential to check with your local building department to see if permits are required for any work that involves electrical, plumbing, or structural changes.

Step Four: Hiring a Licensed Contractor

After getting your permits in hand, it’s time to find a qualified contractor to do the work. Be sure to check them out and ask for references before hiring anyone.

It’s vital to hire an experienced contractor in designing and constructing ADA-compliant bathrooms. They will be familiar with the guidelines and ensure that your bathroom meets all the requirements. Be sure to get separate quotes from different contractors before making your final decision.

Step Five: Completing the Project

Now it’s time to enjoy your new bathroom! Be sure to take some time to clean and declutter the space so that it is safe and comfortable for everyone to use.


So, whether you’re just starting on your remodeling project or are nearing the finish line, be sure to keep these five steps in mind. And if you need any help along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Bill’s Plumbing & Sewer serving Winnetka, IL. We’ll be happy to walk you through the process and ensure that your new ADA-compliant bathroom is safe, stylish, and perfect for your senior residents.

Get your free estimate today!