Bill's Plumbing and Sewer

Nov 1, 2022
Drain problems

Key Takeaways:

  1. Drains are not garbage disposals and should not be treated as such.
  2. Coffee grounds, cooking oil, food scraps, grease, hair, eggshells, cotton balls and paper towels, flushable kitty litter, fats oils, sauces, and dairy products can all cause clogs in drains.
  3. To unclog a drain, you can use a plunger (for minor clogs), a drain snake (for more severe clogs), or a chemical drain cleaner (as a last resort).
  4. To keep your drains clean and prevent clogging, you should avoid putting certain things down, regularly flush your drains with hot water, and invest in a good quality drain cleaner.

Your drains are not garbage disposals. You may think they can handle the same things, but that is not the case. Your drains are much more fragile than you realize, and putting the wrong things down can cause serious problems.

If you want to avoid a backup and costly repairs, here are some things you should never put down your drains:

1. Coffee Grounds

They may seem harmless, but coffee grounds can clog up your drains and cause problems further down the line. Once they’ve gotten into the drain, they can be difficult to remove, so it’s best to avoid putting them down there in the first place.

2. Cooking Oil

Like coffee grounds, cooking oil can also clog up your drains. In addition, it can solidify and create a blockage that will be even harder to remove. If you want to dispose of cooking oil, it’s best to put it in a dumpster in a container.

3. Food Scraps

It may be tempting to rinse food scraps down the drain, but this can lead to some nasty clogs. Food scraps can attract pests and start to rot, neither of which are things you want in your drains. It’s best to either compost food scraps or disposes of them in the garbage.

4. Grease

Grease is commonly poured down the drains, but it’s detrimental. Grease can solidify and cling to your pipes, causing significant blockages. If you must dispose of grease, do so in a dumpster.

Related: Here’s Why You Should Never Pour Cooking Grease Down the Drain

5. Hair

Hair is another common culprit for clogged drains. It can be tough to keep track of all the hair that goes down the drain, but it’s essential to try. Keep a drain cover in place to catch stray hairs and dispose of them properly.

6. Eggshells

Eggshells may seem harmless, but they can do a lot of damage to your pipes. The sharp edges of the shells can scrape and damage the pipe walls, leading to leaks. If you must dispose of eggshells, make sure to do so in a way that won’t cause any damage.

7. Cotton Balls and Paper Towels

Cotton balls and paper towels may seem harmless, but they do more harm than good. These materials absorb water and then expand, blocking your pipes.

8. Flushable Kitty Litter

Contrary to popular belief, flushable kitty litter is not safe for your pipes. The clay in the litter can absorb water and expand, which can block your pipes. If you must dispose of kitty litter, do so in a garbage bag instead.

9. Fats, Oils, and Sauces

Fats, oils, and sauces are another common cause of clogged drains. They can solidify & cling to the sides of pipes, which can restrict water flow and lead to clogs. To avoid this, dispose of these materials in a separate container that can be appropriately disposed of.

10. Dairy Products

Dairy products can also cause clogs due to their high-fat content. The best way to avoid this is to dispose of dairy products in a separate container.

You’ll be doing yourself (and your plumbing) a big favor by keeping these things out of your drains. So next time you’re tempted to rinse something down the drain, think twice and ask yourself if it belongs there.

10. Dairy Products

Different Methods Used to Unclog a Drain

Clogged drains can be a real pain to deal with. A few different ways to unclog a drain can be used, depending on the severity of the blockage.

  • For minor clogs, a plunger can often do the trick. Place the plunger over the drain & push and pull the handle up and down. This creates suction that can help to break up the clog.
  • You can try a drain snake if the plunger doesn’t do the trick. This long, flexible tool helps break up the clog.
  • You can also try a chemical drain cleaner for very stubborn clogs. These cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can eat through the blockage. However, this should be your last resort, as they can damage your pipes if used too frequently.

Related: Homemade Drain Cleaners That Are Safe & Effective

Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Drains Clean and Clog-Free

One of the most important aspects of home maintenance is keeping your drains clean and clog-free. While it’s impossible to prevent all clogs completely, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk.

  • First things first, be careful what you put down your drains. Avoid pouring grease or oil down the drain, as these can harden and block the pipes.
  • Second, regularly flush your drains with hot water. This will help to loosen any buildup and keep the pipes clear.
  • Finally, invest in a good drain cleaner. Periodically running a cleaner through your drains will help to remove any buildup and keep your pipes flowing freely.


In conclusion, it is essential to be careful what you put down your drains and to flush them regularly with hot water. Using a good drain cleaner periodically can also help keep your pipes flowing freely.

Do you have a clogged drain? Bill’s Plumbing & Sewer is the company in Skokie to call when you have a clogged drain. We are experts at cleaning drains and can have them cleared in no time.

We understand that clogged drains can be a significant inconvenience. That’s why we work quickly and efficiently to clear your drains and get you back to your life.

Get your estimate for drain cleaning today!