Bill's Plumbing and Sewer

Oct 4, 2021

We have all heard the saying that if it isn’t broken, then don’t fix it. This proverb is true when it comes to your HVAC system. While many homeowners are tempted to try their hand at maintaining the systems in their homes, this could cause more harm than good.

HVAC technicians take each installation, repair, and maintenance job like the inductions at construction work-sites. Full gear & steel-toes; be it a residential spot or a commercial unit, the technician knows which hazards to assess to ensure their safety and yours.

Here are a few things in HVAC maintenance that should respectfully be left in well-honed hands.

1. Chemical Exposure:

The cleaning liquids, refrigerants, gases, and solvents are designed to be environmentally friendly, but they can wreak havoc if catalyzed by heat, air, and bared onto human skin. This is why protective gear & safety training forms a considerable chunk of HVAC maintenance specialists.

2. Improper Tools:

Amateurs will make mistakes and leave out screws, filters, or loose gaskets around. Even with professional equipment like R-410A refrigerant cylinders in your garage, you might leave the tank in the sun too long or bump it to the ground, turning it into a rouge rocket. We stress you leave the tool work to the HVAC technician.

3. Respiratory Hazards:

You think you survived Covid wearing a mask and getting vaccinated, so what’s a little bit of AC mold going to do? This is precisely the kind of attitude that gets you to the ER with a petri-dish brimming with mold culture for lungs! Please wear industrial-grade facemasks to protect yourself from airborne debris if you intend to dissect an HVAC unit.

4. Unfavorable Weather:

HVAC techs fare harsh weather conditions when repairing and maintaining units. They can suffer heatstroke, dehydration, or frostbite in Illinois’s severe winters. Techs know their limits and gear up accordingly, which is why the specialized job is their domain rather than DIY amateurs.

5. Ladder Liability:

The CDC reported back in 2014 that 80% of construction accidents stemmed from improper use of ladders or faulty designs. HVAC units are often mounted, which raises risks in reaching them for maintenance. Please get a three-point ladder that extends at least 3 feet above the support point, and ensure the locks are engaged on extension ladders.

At the end of the day, trying to maintain your HVAC unit via DIY can result in some dangers that are not worth taking. If you are looking for an affordable yet effective solution for any heating or cooling problem in Northbrook, IL, there is no better option than calling on professional help from a company like Bill’s Plumbing & Sewer

Please drop by for our free quotes on services. We do more than just HVACs; you’d be surprised!